Ameliorate the sensation sans being caught
between the devil and the dark blue sea,
This tethered to the oblate spheroid earthling
doth strive toward savoir-faire re:
As the fickle finger of fate flicks this mortal being
hither and yon inducing a que
zee ripcord backlash inducing thine
angst riddled psyche to create a non prithee
picture thy sense of doom and gloom,
Where deer antelope ply Wild
wood furies of Agamemnon playing olly
Olly oxen…. whence teamsters unleash
whip-sawed, and zigzagged nor’easter nee
and smite thy corporeal essence The Idler Wheel
Is Wiser than the Driver of arch ca me
d’s Screw and Whipping Cords Will Serve You
More than Ropes Will Ever Do – re: lee
bind the optimism of incipient internal
involuntary crushing any budding hope until…key
Purr of salvation in the guise of Paul Dice
unexpectedly intervened by a fluke of high lee
totally tubularly random events impossible
to linkedin, where plenti of helping hands – jais
ne sais quois – conjoined at just the optimal moments
to nudge – each twerk, though itsy
bitsy spidery like thread (the main impetus
squarely rests on the above named Millville – he
ving over the top tenacious effort exerted
on behalf of Good Samaritan with gumption, glee
suffusing with the milk of human kindness
doggedly sought to extricate self and spouse free
of charge, and whose markedly muscling actions
earn him more than words can spell a dee
mon strew bull epitomy of virtue relieving
the gordian knotted pang – this atheist Che
fully thanks, him (anoint said fellow Paul Dice)
as the Grand Poobah to be
more valuable than fine-spun gold –
and thus this spur of the moment tribute – Ayee!