hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Crazy Lady With The Meatball Eyes



Views: 183

Rip a newas we pass cause I don't give a flying dart

some friends went out to the park listening to the Bee Gee's

got to set people free out spreading the disease feel the breeze

made my mark in the rap game lit a flame with no one to blame

momma filled me up with pot roast speaking of the fire of the Holy Ghost

I used to coast as a socialized wandering wizard today I don't play that game no more

Rap is filled with rhymes so quick like no one cares or gives a

going to post my homily that some may believe in you and me

it started through the treese the soaring through a breeze going to knock you to your knees

Cheap thrills paying all those bills late at not popping pills

even as a juvenile I used to run for a while far from the police so very out of reach


today I'm sipping on champagne & the finest Caviar hoping I'll go far

a shot to the heart but whose to blame out playing the fields in the rap game

fires with pillars of the billows of smoke I just may take a toke

old school & new school that's how we rule bringing home the bacon in my family jewel

my brain is the tool for keeping think tight for that is my right amidst the fight

see i got this fever for a hidden desire I'm going to take you higher

cruzin down the alley with my new Sunbird word I used to get stares but who the hell cares

Carried on with my bad self to go to the dance hall


Ain't it a pity when we hate the city cause everything turned out ty

hit me with a fresh beat starting from my head down to my feet

it used to be customary to marry but you prefer to listen to Buck Cherry what a fairy

got grease molds amidst the sink holes up your nose with a rubber hose

bring the noise that is our choice send praises and rejoice

not some fly by with a pop fly suckers stick me in the eye

go down breaking if you can you need someone to be your friend

Burn baby burn as the world turns watch as the butter spurns


Crazy lady with the meatball eyes put her in the oven & make french fries

getting tired for all those good forsaken lies at no surprise

once this life is done you get no second chance to roll the dice twice

that's why I fly Jet Blue first class with everything new so everybody could kiss my ass

Crazy lady with Wavy Gravy doing everything shady maybe

captivated by her tender smile cause I knew all the great while

love is going to keep us together no matter what the weather I'll be light as a feather







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