if I could stretch my imagination long enough
I would be no longer here
don't care about much anymore
what I did care for is no longer here
so I sit back in a comfortable chair
listening to what possibly could
be there still I don't care to listen
to what I hear because all I hear
is fear coming out of the mouth of Judah's
people who don't know they are lions
people why are you crying fear
is just a blindside the sun is just a
fire sign no stronger element to be
every time your heart beats fast
is a loss of energy so save efficiently
it's shame to waste so much light
you have to sit in the dark sometimes
you're not a coward you're a lion
not a fraidy cat or scaredy cat
darkness implants courage
illumination is blinding in which you can not see
use your instincts because
instinctively you are instinctive
don't think about it it's only your imagination that can be terrifying