tbella | Poetry Vibe
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transfer babylOn to LOvezion


Views: 236

transfer babylon to lovezion.

lovezion came back to my heart like art
my soul healed in a hurry like snap
like the feeling of warm breezy wind
blowing my mind into one shape
dark shades turned to light brightness
within my body and all around the outside.
this heart mind and body forgot all war.
alike atom smaller than glitter dust
the true colors of bright light as if sunshine
entered and surrounded all parts of me
purified as well as relieved everything
to do with vain disappeared forevemore
new door opened for myself to go
straight ahead facing forward always.
vanity upon vanity is now easy to see
like every Disney film ends with happy ending
yes she said more of love does exist
honesty is the best policy were there is a will
there is a way and her choice was the new way
she accepted her new opportunity and said thank you.
with a smile like a grinning cat she was able to remain calm
collective and she went on her merry way into the bright light.
went thru inside lovezion.
written by. Tatiana Lelo
Friday 17th November 2017.


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The Immortal Wize says:

Another Timeless piece. love it!

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love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

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