hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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The Piano Man



Views: 191



just like Billy Joel bust up the beat and increase the tempo

take you to the place where you need to go searching

in the vast expanse between space and time best to stand in line

everything is fresh when it passes through each test such as life

its a rollercoaster and gets twisted as you grow older but we

need to get stronger then bolder to rub on each others shoulder

fast chance to ever get to know you need to break curfew



Stand fast as you pass through the auditorium as if you were president

need to take up resident to proceed to speak out to the masses

this is me you see with my college degree living in a land of glee

yes I'm a great succes I came here to confess now its time to invest

a stroke of luck when no one gives a *** we have a tendency to talk

yet back for more lest I implore another opened toor by which to explore


to beat it out of me amidst a lone pedigree start spreading its disease

schools out and its time to shine lift up your head among the walking dead

only one life will be soon to pass only what's done out of love will last

with each temptation there is a smile cause we know all the great while

to suffer in silence amidst all the violence


We didn't start the fire, Piano Man, Italian Restaurant & Big shot to name a few

we have bitten off far more then we could ever chew but this is nothing new

Honesty is such a lonely friend everyone is so untrue but what are we to do

You'll see him in the tropics talking about various topics































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