hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Drop It Don't Stop It



Views: 271

ashes to ashes dust to dust were living in a world in such a rush

why your body push through the day pay no attention to why you pray

peeps are saying it ought not be this way but I must confess life is but a test

going to let some things rest as I figure it all out you see living out my legacy

its best to invest you see then things fallen apart at the seams

we tend to hold it all in inside then to run away and hide but I'll catch you on the fly

is burning with money in her pocket waiting me to *** it

is better then meat on the bone I'll suck it I'll *** it I'll leave it alone

going to get this dope joint tight even if it takes me all night

Summertime we tend to unwind and let things slide thanks to be a live

shooting hoops at the afternoon pit knowing know one gives a


yet you be the better man with the plan working on my tan

shattered glass passes gas awake someone to pass the test give it a rest

Grandmaster Flash, Mellie Mel & The Furious Five Thank you Jesus i'm still alive

living ain't easy when you hate the city and peeps pity all is ty

suck a little titty in the alley coming back for more with that two bit whore screaming for more..

pushing up daisy's in the city looking really pretty got this little ditty


Drop it don't stop it get on the floor to mop it some like to knock it

dizzy in a haze coming back in mouse stuck in its maze so be brave

Drop it don't stop it she keeps thinks in her locket so don't forget it

society blinds me so i get close to poetry to let it set me free

life is but a breeze as if a monkey stuck in trees













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