2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Stealing Thunder



Views: 391

Thus  action  casts  light  asunder

Views  focused  upon  which  in  wonder?

Before  sound  crashes  in  waves,

Slaves  are  made  from  casting  shade

Within  a  world  all  the  more  room  to stage

Chasing  dreams fractured in myriads, a way

Fractured  focus  is  hard  to  examine wholesomely

Encores  are  rehearsed  to  assure  all  remain unaware

Echoes  splash  ashore  to  further dilute such portrayals

Sets  capture  kaleidoscope stars  grazing,  innocently enough,

Cuts  and  paste  are  sold  off  to  reanimate dimensions’ casualties

Distant  tracings  flash  randomly  signaling  fury  coming from  nothing

Applause  or  contrition  is  part  and  parcel  to  crisis’  imagined outreach

Sound  checks  are  staged  before  lowering  the  boom  traveling

Octaves reverberate on any number of  frequencies  over  times  attesting

Guesses  are  instant  as  flashes  of  notion,  just  before  the  implosion

Loud is  forever  and  always  2b  undetected……so  the  show  must go  on

Lights,  camera……..signifying  yet  another  distr-ac-tion  to  what  may  or may not  be really  happening……


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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

The Mayor is back in full form. Spit that truth bro!

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mrmelody7 says:

Nice to see you brace the page number one commenttator-Your write deserves an encore(sure you remember that one) those last three lines summed it up nicely

LP45 says:

Eyes and minds wide open. Tell me like it is. Thanks for sharing this 2b,

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Contest Winner  

Coalhouse says:

My Man

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