Because I look different
There are those who
Make fun if me,
Who'll tell me I should be
More like them.
That they are
What and who people
Want to be like.
But can't be unless they
Do what they do
Or act like they act.
Yeaaaaahhhhh right!!!!
Wow, talkin about peer pressure!
Thank you but no thank you!!
We are individuals
For a reason.
We were given free will
For a reason.
I was put on this earth
For a reason.
As were you.
Not for you to be like me
Or me to be like you
Not for me to think like you
Or you to think like me.
I'm here only to do what
Was asked of me to do.
As were you.
I am of my own
And although our
Inner beauties are
As unique as
We are individuals,
When one tries to
Impose one's beliefs
Upon others is
Your inner self really
All that beautiful?
It's obvious that your
Judgement is not only
Clouded and unqualified
It has no merit.
Being that position
Has already been
Permanently filled.
All I want you to
Understand is simply this,
Just because we look different
Doesn't entitle you to the right
To say who, what, when, where
And or why what should
Or should not be.
Embrace the freedom
Of your individuality.
Let you be you.
Let me be me.