Kavindra | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 23600
contest winner
lightness in the dark
This latest poem - I am just not sure -the message is sound but it starts a bit odd - ah who am I kidding I am eccentric

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“Insanity's Mind” -(letting outhers dictate how we think-or what is true without doing our own due dilligence)


just different

Views: 416

Mind of Insanity! (we are more than human)

“Insanity's Mind”


These crazy little thoughts of mine

they are of the creative kind



Where does this terminology come from ?

I'm not quite the political one

but . Who decided this was right ?


Why must I fit in to others way of thinking?


If I could only express myself

you might come around to my way of thinking!


Souls ,spirits. Religion ?...


How to know?

Is it them talking ..?

Is it you ..?

is it insanity ?



Visions, Illusions?...



We question and that is good!!!


We believe and it is misunderstood...?

Crazy ,insanity → we see …


Belief is what we do not see .


What if it is a puzzle given to us, you see

the pieces scattered among us and all that we can be..


find these keys locked for everyone to see

hidden in plane sight


a maze this life

we proclaim


hard we complain

simple complexity is beyond our brain


put together

a whole picture

planned out from scripture


Believing the foundation

our faith

Constitutes insane !!!


A clue here

A clue there


one inside you

did not know it was there


this belief and that

a connection is what I see

numbers stand out for me !


Man made...

Following the prescribed standard!


Standing out …

a rewarding straight-jacket !







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mrmelody7 says:

Great write Lady K in life the search is always on

love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

The90sResult says:

This was an interesting poem! Good work

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