hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Sweet Love Of Jesus



Views: 183



Sweet love of Jesus please reveal to us

knowing most of life is but a test

each of us is resposible for our actions

the vortex on my membrane looses its focus

celebrate with those whose hearts with love


our seat for the rollercoaster ride has arrived

ready to take off on its slow decline

with whinding twists and turns

make sure your seat belt is on tightly

light a candle as a living vigil


each new day we seek to livw out our faith

currents of love flows from up above with love

its not an option anymore we must pursue love

love is the mere essence of our existence

shadows again block the vortex of the even flow


care for the lost in their affliction

ontp our heavenly destination

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