ts735bSTUDENT10 | Poetry Vibe
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I Do Not Pledge Allegiance


Views: 55

what all this blather and hoopla dribbling embarrassingly 
over a footballer player, who owns the right to forego pledging 
allegiance to...what?

America boastfulness? capitalistic depravity? egoistic fanaticism? glorified hucksterism? indomitable gerrymandering? Machiavellian machinations?, and the list goes on...tracing and bending backward in time when might equaled right, and those debonair, powered/ pomaded hair, leer ring kings of leon drove a stake into the heart of innocence and purity, when ruthless, selfish, and treachery wrenched indigenous occupants of these lands, 

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THUS....  Touchdown for Colin Kaepernick

noah rant, rave or rabid byte zinger, from yet another web cruiser

so, i haint another B52, 747, nor boo wing

brouhaha against your choice against salute ting

the Stars and Stripes, where many

online patriot game watchers wanna swing

you with a sucker punch or pistol-whip ya over the head

until each ear doth ring heard all the way back to reign of the Qing

Dynasty, where ye might be revered

cuz ja got tackled as a traitor with endless har ping

from many another maniacal mechanical motor mouth

from a New Yawk borough, or the enclave of Ossining

freely tossing in their two sense like nattering

nabobs of negativity from.... across the states mandating


FREE EXPRESSION - non verbal or otherwise)

once the storied, paraded, mollycoddled dar ling

now ardent fans fanatically go berserk and rogue

with raucous, obnoxious and libelous king

size bully tactics demanding, you plant right hand over left breast

(and play by the unspoken rules of JINGOISM)

i.e. unquestioned obeisance toupee hair-raising homage

like discordant jangling, which personal preference suddenly dominate ing

jamming mass media communication -

with billions of dollars riding buckshot revering Old Glory,

Newscasters getting a run for their money to the end zone

unsolicited absolute horror at such blatant traitorous actions

when such a decorated, gussied, kickstarter undeserving

to be held in high esteem, BUT I APPLAUD self expression

(and if in the klieg lights, i would act likewise) giving

thee nonestablishmentarian stance of mine a forwarding

pass, that got hurled around the globe exploding

wrathful gripes sullying America especially during

a poignant moment to such booboo monkeys that cling

for dear life to false sense of grandeur AND exploitation bing

blithe to the turf wars imposed by fore fathers long since aging

in mausoleums, who did rent asunder plunder, pillage and rape

under the aegis of imperialism.




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