Forget me not, is how I transcend
Visions realized is how light intends
Named Blameless, as sounds of wind
Under a warm sun, earth's birthright
No fear from a spotlights' blind encroach
Shown 2b shaded in prominence eclipse
Chased throughout time to bear witness
Promoted as foil to dull unmistakeable shine
Shadowed for greatness found ageless again
Persisting brilliance of which no one recalls
Ghosts whisper clues in dreams begotten
Harbingers obscured by media contrivance
Spirits march thru souls gathered to exact
Coloring shadows from tasteless to multi-faceted
Glimpsed through shades as covered mirage' passions
For such goals do not shimmer upon discovery
Present always like skin is constantly, covering
Guarding and invisibly protecting its investment
Divine is this flesh and blood scrolled testament
Solar winds chariot across the vast darkness
Imparting light to spirits bearing witness in masses
That we are never alone and always close to home
It is within this realm separated by mere degrees
2b where I come from and undoubtedly return to