WhiteThePoet | Poetry Vibe
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Been missing in action poetry fam- so hello to everyone! Can you please go check out my poems on YouTube? Poetry w/ music. A must hear - here's the links https://youtu.be/K5PQXyR2ouU

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Pain I Feel



Views: 276

See we're living life in so much pain and with cloudy days comes the most hellish rains Drenched by a sorrow that will for surely change Change the mind frame of the once sane into a madness thats goes untamed See this is just our unspoking truth, unjustifiable, and its undeniable How we've been forced to breath life into a system thats non reliable A system that has misled for generations and has bled well before and much after our great emancipation The proclamation that supposedly set us free yet what is freedom when it comes with a life of unwanted misery Much like our brothers and sisters over in lybia having to revisit our forsaken history But to a devil its all a mystery followed up by questions like whats the problem or why do they cry or why dont they just shut up and accept the lie But closed mouths wont help this stronghold die Because in our realm evil has no place and the only way to confront this type of evil is to look it str8 in the face Lock eyes and then make it realize that its demise is surely our uprise They'll be no more reaching but yes we'll be taking whats rightfully ours A just do reward for a exsitence that has endured so many scars.

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