hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Cascading Metaphors



Views: 212

Cascading Metaphors

A perpetual stream of sacred consciousness flowing ever and ever beyond planets and stars and even plenty of universe.
beacon of light to a hurting world in seek of solace to delve into one's emotions
a challenge to be free is a question of time my one solution is using my mind
Cascading metaphors in direct portion to the piece at hand within mere twilight
words can't express even with cadence the obvious of its simplistic stance
one in twain yet mark on a blotted page yet clearly intact

Poetry is deep inside me through tragedy one can easily see its sweet destiny
words can hurt it also can transform the notion of never looking back at the plow
a breath of fresh air in the rainbow of brilliance hearts will unfold
remember me in times such as these through my poetry
lines permeate a deeper heightened meaning of being


The poems on this site are not the poems you studied in your literature classes in school...
Written by people who belonged to an earlier generation.
They are the creations of the people you see pictured here,
People who live now, shop in supermarkets, drive cars, discuss current politics and have attended the same school you have.

They are people like you but poets, with the gift of expression...
Vividly, in today's language, their personal reactions & convictions
You may not agree with all of them but you will understand them
To know what moved them to write what they have written.

Too often, these poets are not heard because they live today and write about the now...
By the time they have achieved enough fame to be widely acclaimed,
There themes will have slipped into the past

The vibrancy and empathy you will feel, as you read these poems, will be gone...
Meet them, pictured here; listen to them through their poetry
Share with them your own memories & experiences


such as lucid dreams with hay some say it ought not be that way

a pull at the heart will light its inner spark to where I need to go
places with traces such as kings and queens
magestic ambiance to behold nature to relish its its vast brisk decorum
love is the mere essence of my existence learn to shun its resistance at every circumstance

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Poetiq1der says:

Peace and God's Blessings to you and yours. I felt your thought process as you unfurled this scribe. When Jesus ascended on high "He gave gifts to men" and certainly writing was one of them. The passion for your art is pellucid through your thoughts and words.....Respect

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