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Full Circle (Quantum State of Mind)Life has a way of coming back around. Full circle. What's done today effects your past, present, future. Full cirlce. Words spoken today... Comes back around yesterday. Full circle. You reap what you sew... In today's presence. But what if it was much more? They say the future effects your past, which in turn effects your present. In every step of life, is there really supposed to be a lesson? What can't be seen to the naked eye... Has an affect on your being. It's much more than energy. It's the frequencies, the particles, atoms, that form these entities. They say there's disorder in the order. Or is there? You can be in multiple places at once... But where are we now in this universe? It's unknown. .. How much is known? Dimensional warfare. But you can't have one without the other... It affects what you do... It comes back around. Full circle. Past, present, future you. What you didn't do effects you. The next you did and it's affecting you. The choices that we me... The choice... |
2017 (Wedding at a Funeral)I tried and I tried And at times I know I fell short But I tried and I cried and I died As my soul laid in ruins When you said... When you told me... You were leaving I tried and I tried To make you stay... I preyed and I prayed I begged and I begged And I pleaded Down on bended knee I went But you dearly departed And I had no choice but to part... By my waist side laid the Memories I can't escape Haunting me while I sleep Walking with me while... I know I can't continue this But this emptiness is eating away At feelings that once existed Penetrating my presence A hollowed out body That substance once existed in Having to come to grips with the fact that you are no longer... A functioning part of my... This world Existing only in my thoughts And photo albums that don't give justice to what your presence meant to me But know this I will forever miss and love you. |
ThiefLike a thief there's no honor amongst her As she prostitutes making profits Off of lostprophets With pictures of fairytale endings With no meanings in between Her imagery is quite different from what they are picturing. She gives no description as they are often left lingering in limbo between the lines Missing the understanding They reread the verse And it gives her time to rehearse. Going over every line As she goes down the line. Leaving a trail of lost lovers behind |
It's okYou don't offend me With your obscene behaviors... As seen on TV and movie screens You just mimic what's seen... You buy into The obscene gestures. Like the air we breathe... Survival of the fittest The fittest never quit So you mimic just to fit in. Darwinism mindset as you head into the present. Know its there in the air... Can you smell it? as you inhale it... take a quick sniff As the tables shift, Into gears... going fast to nowheres But making sure all lanes are clear. As you steer into Clear waters With ... |
My ThoughtsIf energy can neither be created or destroyed Then where does the energy of our words go? Is it the the reaction we get when we have a convo? Or the reaction of those that your words touched? Causing combustions, Creating chain reactions of good or negative vibes. Like waves in water, Waves of sounds, Creating chemical reactions within our cells, ourselves. That impact, change lives?
The energy created to have a conversation The energy created when spoken or thought of Where does that energy go?
Does it come back around and go to our homes? After it travel around, year round circling the globe impacting those that we don't know. If every action has a reaction, Then what type of action does your words bring? Or do you not think and just say... Would peace love and ju... |
The AwakeningIn no man's land where zombies stand, walk, Living off of one dream and one plan. I sit, I stand, and I get high. I bypass the time. I'm so sublime when I'm high. My third eye is blind to the times. Unconsciously walking, stalking politicians to spoon feed me ambitions. Heavily medicated, I meditated and invaded my inside. Hated what I became. I took a rocket to outer space. And embraced my insanity as I hung with a couple of aliens. I touched down and landed in reality. My ignorance no longer bliss. I took two hits and then I passed it. I blasted off again. To a new dimension of being. Parallel to the other realm. Good and Evil. My third eye sees what I've been missing. I see the deceitful lead the blind. And the blind sees no evil as they do their doing. Maneuvering against the tide. The aliens and eyes that came alive. No longer shielded by the comfortable living of lies. No longer comfortable with the familiar. They try to change the tide. They grasp and hold on to the deranged... |
Untitled (High Society)I don't sip or drink on no codeine I don't twist or roll up no weed I said, I don't crush or boil, I'm no dope fiend I stay getting high off of what life brings I entice the mind with my writing Getting high off of this word play I love what these verbs can bring Challenging society, Challenging your brain waves Paving the way, changing your way of thinking Taking off your blinders Although, I know that the son reminds us That everyday is precious. Your mind is for the taking, off in a rocket Before anyone can... |
Just SayinDid we just wake up and have a revelation That we were still slaves on a plantation That my skin color lowered expectation And automatically classified me As a ni**er that has a tendency To go on a killing spree and live recklessly And not care about nobody but me And for you to sit there and judge me Because I'm not the proper skin color So that must mean I'm wilder than the others Did we just wake up and have a revelation That we're still slaves on a plantation And that the skin color of my president Didn’t represent me As he has his own agenda And it didn't include me For the whites of their eyes To look at me And see a ni**er that's threatening His better half must have got the best of him Because the best of them living among the rest of us No sepereation as they continue on living And that's more than I can say for the rest of us.
Did we just wake... |
Freedom SeekerI speak to be freed. I speak that ill truth To plant a seed. To let people know They too can break free From the monotony and harmony of the world. They can become world-less. Because in the end these processions are all worthless But you can take this to the grave, This verbal remedy to be a freed slave. This blueprint can be implanted framed and formatted fitted into a neat package.
Forget what you've been told. This common sense is getting old. Follow the red brick road. Kiss the toad. Experience everything that glitters and everything that might be gold. Because you never know. Someone else's experience are not your own Ma... |
Reality is HardReality is hard to swollow Like a couple of pills I might overdose on that And hit my senses on the way up So I stay down. So I don't have to wake up But I'm floating. I'm on my wake up. Its time to reup on this good puss and alcohol Where i bury it all Different mix every night Keep a different chick So I can pretend like my reality doesn't exist. They shuffle around. I shuffle my rounds. Never gettin caught up on a trick As I treat my urges. My thoughts they penetrate the surface As I penetrate her puss See my boundaries and they try to provoke me Out of my slumber |