hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Pull Down Thy Vanity Pound Inspired



Views: 181



in every twist in turn starry eye and love is all around us

night is falling and I am calling feels so surreal in loving arms

let it lift you up off the ground love is all around us

search deep within my friend the promise is from within

from you to depend hearts filled up with freedom

the tree has entered with branch a child so high you are

all of this is fully to the world under white clouds

under all this beauty something must come

Ceaser plug their forces in India

Tibet should be filled with Roman imprisoning

there will be three books to look into nor will you be weary of calling my name

he who is now vacant was once enslaved to one Adam

Imperial posts to all corners of the world


went down to this ship to the brakers are bodies heavy with weaping

search this craft at the grim godess

a world of moving images clear lines of portion in harmony of substance to be feared to

return in memory to London his landscape was Italian

yet ere the season has he tempered the viol's guard

and the sunken garden unchanged

and the gulls be at rest...

became restless at the castle,

he never became the same as he was before

there is always a certain age where we change

has to sustain onto the end where ever the end shall be

first came the sea then the halls of hell

pull down thy vanity pull down thy vanity i say pull down

master thyself then others shall be bare

how mean thy hate fostered in fosterity

gather to the air of thy tradition this is not vanity



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