Janiya5120 | Poetry Vibe
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When a heart finally cries



Views: 225


I cry because I haven’t cried in a while 
Cause I’m insecure 
Cause I’ve never found someone to stick to my hip
I’ve never had someone kiss my lips in a way that wasn’t primarily for bliss
I guess this is why I cry

I just wanted someone to be proud and tell me my weight isn’t to loud
Or that they’ll follow me around 
And honestly I follow them back
I wonder if God created people like me to lessen the pain of those who’re free
To lessen the pain of girls with dimples and have fathers who ask them when they’re coming home
To lessen the pain of the boys whose girlfriends make them whole
To take my soul to fill the holes

A woman walking down the street once said “smile pretty woman, you’re to beautiful to frown”
But I wore makeup that day and she was old, her view of beauty was retro and I wanted my mask to hide my newly tear stained cheeks

Tonight I cried on a heartbreak 
Thinking about all the pain of the year and how I can make it fade
I rest naked on clean sheets 
In a dark room
Hoping my bare legs and silver jewelry will give me strength to dream my tears away

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