i barely get ma palm pilot sized
gluteus maximus in the air
just a cat whisker across the DeMilitarized Zone
(DMZ in military parlance),
when the Earth shuddered from blare
ring fusillade expressed detonation
issued by Kim Jung Un,
whose excited darkly clear
motive predicated to lob Holiday nuclear missiles,
and South Koreans (no matter
mostly innocent victims), whelp hay dear
for siding, identifying, fraternizing, colluding,
et cetera with the enemy (in general,
the NATO bound countries) 'ere
really quiet, as preparation (H) gets made
to bring out the big guns
(actually shaped like a fleshy
posterior man bun) in truth one
dead reckoning sphincter muscle that doth flair
impossible to espy, cuz sieve
all the flak whistling induce sing a glare,
but...the Hermit Kingdom got another
bad a$$ bombardier deathly, stealthily quiet,
hence released turd Jed
eye ordnance impossible to hear
yet this silent deadlysass sin hated
hard as a ribbed rock stainless steel
guaranteed to wreak havoc, with loathing
and other emotions hints sin ser
which, top secret (never bottomed out
during test practice trials, whereat Johnny spot on)
proved to vaporize underwear
and caused a "big stink" that lasted about one year.
what information divulged ye moost promise never to share
else...any turn coats can not muster posterior haste,
yet will need to seek out specialty
of proctologist who doth rear
lee suck seed unfortunate victim
blind sided immune to any prayer
so...upon confiding this tidbit,
I strongly advise tubby not near
as you might already correctly guess,
when while mooning Pyongyang
well taut smart cheeks,
with blasting buttocks akin to blazing saddles
as sole oozing gaseous
flatulence majority of North Koreans will not here
amidst din and clangor "bad medicine"
propelled rectal bowel movement game changer
will hit designated target precisely clear
t'will invite "freedom fighters"
tubby regaling with a jubilant aire
total mortal Kombat levels threat of "Fat Boy"
whose po' country mutilated,
reduced, wasted to ashes after every nuclear and
traditional military contrivance,
an IC a BM (mine) did destroy.