My mish mashed Mohorovicic Discontinuity,
("thee bitty
teensy weensy yet mighty
Moho of Matthew "ditty
crafted" Scott Harris)",
ore houses precious gritty
microscopic figurative boundary
phish scale quite itty
pulled surface. Beneath
crusty mangy scalp, blame kitty
"named Twinkles"
can be found
very totally tubularly pity
full molecularly thin mantle,
(sans this earthling, wherein lyes
underneath matted bed of straggly
unkempt hair at a depth
(aye surmise)
of about six to seven millimeters),
a cranial nub, that vets
(or at least tries)
to assess viability probability,
acceptability, et cetera of resolutions
powerfully unifies
incorporating shouting,
snapping, stinging Whipping Cords
Will Serve You More
Than Ropes Will ad vise
sir, Than the Driver
of the Screw in syncopation viz
To every thing there
is a season, and a time
to every purpose under heaven,
The Idler Wheel Is Wise
despite obsolete oarlocks,
and nEver Do
to steer this human cargo
(when calendar shows
two thousand and eighteen)
to these ayes
anticipating being hen pecked
from an unrelenting wife,
thus cries out against spouse.
thee (hickory ory dock husband
hatches schemas, involving
unzipped BuzzFeed ding flies
sir, Than, I implore tubby
one hove thug hies
issuing A time to be born,
and a time to die;
a time to plant,
a time to reap
that which iz planted
tubby one of Two Guys,
and a truck cull, a byte wing
to incise and implant minus
cull electronic device
who, I thought to enlist expertise
(to excise deadly curse)
Donald Trump no lies
as the oblivious Driver
of the Screw
and Whipping Cords
Will Serve You
Whatsapp pair
Rent Lee More critical
Than Ropes Will Ever
Do to app prize
A time to kill,
and a time to heal;
a time to break down,
and a time to build up and rise
above the fray mustering
asper The Idler Wheel Is Wise
A time to embrace, and a time
to refrain from embracing ally byes
awaits The Idler Wheel Is Wiser
Than the Driver of the Screw
and Whipping Cords never dies
especially, when The mouse
ran up the clock
to hang out with Seth Thomas,
one of the important guise
who helps with edification,
inspiration, motivation,
and doth recognize
underscoring A time to love,
and a time to hate;
a time of war,
and a time of peace tries
this ole man tikum rolling home,
while remain on
the straight and true
Will Serve You
More Than Ropes Will ever Do
asper, A time to be born,
and a time to die;
a time to plant, a time
to reap that which is planted;
perhaps awakening futility
to postulate an outrageous goal hie
particularly mean hitching
your metaphorical wagon
to a star boot re: lie
on cents and sensibility
without pride
nor prejudice well nigh
A time to rend, and
a time to sew;
a time to keep silence,
and a time to speak; and app ply
active listening
(as advocated by the late Jean Dole
who, quite some years ago
whisked away scythe
lent lee, while hospitalized
for minor health issue
a riddle long since relegated
to Scotland Yard no idea why.