blakmista | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 282


Satan, your ignorance has been documented, it's well known

that's why Jesus says we're an heir to His throne

and that He'd never forsake us, meaning, never leave us alone

and this includes everybody, from newly born to fully grown

He'll be back, He's gone to prepare the way to our Heavenly home.


So you see satan, your sick agenda aint very clear

remember God created soldiers of fortune not soldiers of fear

our enemies are sickness, undisciplined, ignorance, and being a puppeteer

and as children of God, we know who's far away and who's near

so evil, get back upon your pity-pots, try to repent and shed a tear!

'Cause as long as you continue to deny God fool

steady building up hate and never using God's love tool

you'll remain forever in your home hell, which aint cool

where all of your followers thirst and hunger slobber and drool

here's another invitation to come back to a Heavenly father that rule.

I'm not just picking at you, there are many who think it's a joke and laugh

thinking that living requires one to take away from those that barely have

hoarding things just for hoarding sake not unlike a crab

forgetting we are the priceless treasure, but Jesus paid the tab

whom we go through for eternal life, first repenting then getting a spiritual bath!!



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