Kewayne Wadley | Poetry Vibe
Kewayne Wadley
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 25000
contest winner 3
contest winner
Passion And Ambition Seek The Same

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Views: 155
If you were a song you'd be number one on my playlist. No matter how much time would past. I'd never get tired of hearing you. Theres not enough radio time for how much I think your voice needs to be heard. You are too beautiful for words. Finding time for all of your songs is like making love. The two of us lost in a moment hung on continuous repeat. A grin spread ear to ear. Nominated for the grammy of my heart. Your fabulous taste in music. The vocals that feel like they were written for me. Within the first ten seconds I am in complete ecstasy. The advance my heart makes. Skipping it's beat to the rhythm of your heart. If I can be the next venue you choose to perform. You'd never have to question why'd it take so long to appreciate you. Bobbing my head to the vibe you give. The smile spread across my lips. Your the only thing I need circulating through my headphones

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