![]() Atlantalockheart
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ReflectionEye Black woman ride bus crossing ... the East River on Fridays just to be with God ... wearing a dashiki, a body blend essence of peppermint,eucalyptus and givenchy...remnants of raw mango butter sparkle sheen sepia skin...sunglasses reflecting Dylans poetry on lens ...slips in and out daydreams... the last time I held his frame...exchange moments...movements severe as East River roping waves rage against rocks offer a natural shine...the passing of time restless ticking... clicking about brain evolution ... I be bronx bound where hip-hop murals cross street sections borough to borough connection hustlebrother barbershop... Cornbraids...locks... God strength resonate within...confirm constitution stroll as Godly Queen through Harlem 125th ... stare in despair our hearts full of protest the climate baby... It's the climate baby... its all wrong and we're tired of those house negroes bowing down singing those old negro spirituals.. plead the forces to be; to come correctly .... |
Maybe this time..."Maybe this Time" Free these city streets beneath calloused feet burden by concrete sky tower, tenements, speckle pigeons perched gray gutter rats dwindle from the light there's something kinda beautiful here early rise yoke yellow ball east of China town off broadway bridge buckling down The city illusive . . . no ninjas just chaotic chinese chopped into Bruce Lee videos winded chimes continue twinkle ring in dingy take-out doorway stand nursing a plastic container rice noodles, baby bok choy ribbons steam twirl upward inhale, blow, sip . . . pabulum dawn soul leaving here breaks away from insanity suicide, sexual romper room maybe this time . . . maybe this time they'll let love win between the two them thru whistle breeze across the bayou of Antee's youth made of sugar tea, liquor lemonade and women so free you'll find the love in your food scenting she love to taste colors that of the moon some blood red some sunny some blue; blue as your mood some black green to... |
BX. Just Around The CornerBX... II just around the corner Just around the corner...love the yesterday when... Bloom zeniths.. Popped kaleidoscopic inspiration hieroglyphics new generation linguistic...pledging apart stance the b boy b girl dance hold glance begin helicopter spins breaking the wind; converse tracks kicking Cyclops brag about who be rocking the blocks Borough to borough ... Mob squads Qside, Boogiedown,Brookland, Harlem...Westside and Eastside strips of strong isles rip concrete Novelties like baseball, Turnbull, stickball,scully was gully The whimsical delight brings to light stories on story avenue Everything old is always new Trailing one's constitution; esoteric evolution through a free youth revolution Red rooms,sacred bathhouse of Plato's Retreat sexual liberation Free to rejoice a dance to Dj spin heathens anthems held in the embrace bolting strobe limelight birth the disco kidz, disco wiz, jellybean benetiz, kaz, Herc breath sweat beat boxes locking it down five borough crew... |
Sol BrotherYou always will forever be my soul...sol brother...the heartest rap around...spirit constitution a revolution raging thru you...one of Garveys mighty people...I always loved the Thunder and the furrowed brow clouds frozen on your forehead... Birth of a baby spade made your jacket telegraph to the world Mental knowledge of who you are the Soldier of his story fresh direct shoulders erect ...fade laid parted half moon are even razor straight streets heard the word five percent down dedicated to our community UNITY jah bless the eye star in the crown in the cross X last alphabet Bitter bronx inspiring a poetess to test and intellectually joust sometimes boost about the best ...politics and hip hop and who was down by law...helpimg to get our minds together we could weather any storm our forces of nature strong...Our fusion cause combustion two bump heads a court room battle...you hammered your armour deflect disrespects the you determined the flight and fight out of Babylon. So... |