ts735bSTUDENT10 | Poetry Vibe
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just different

Views: 72

Frankenstein like mailer daemons dwelt in subterranean psychic realm

wrought havoc upon the rational landscape helm

at the horrific tragic strewn source of catalepsies

which near mortal blow took place at demesne named Glen Elm.

A violent upheaval along a major fault line shift

caused major emotional tectonic plate

to rent asunder and irrevocable seismic rift

and deliver sanity into Hades gate.

Seismic alteration (albeit metaphoric) sheared apart major tectonic plate

Richter scale needle absorbed mental quake shock

registered brain wave bereft per annihilated state

igneous allusions equate gray matter to liquid rock

existential catastrophe casus belli of such egregious fate

now finds me here experiencing writer’s block

where creative juices cease to create.


The fount and receptacle of inventive wit

gives vent and voice to ply me craft

as I try to capture elusive ideas that awkwardly fit

in some metrical schema from out my literary sword and haft

with at least one eye on prize money

maybe even win title of laureate showing true grin and grit

epitomizing my rather iconic style dapper and daft

trademark genre ranked by other in league with a nitwit

prompting me to ponder another craft

one more apropos and a more comfortable fit.





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