PoeticKnight239 | Poetry Vibe
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I will grow

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Draukeen Pokell


just different

Views: 232

He was young, Who once felt old,He was hot,Who only felt cold,He spoke smart,Who spoke dribble, He stood tall ,Who stood short,He was brave,Who only was scared,He smiled,Who had a angry grin,He was skinny,Who was stocky,He was nice ,Who mixed his rage,He walked straight,Who leaned crooked, He smelled good,Who odor was grotesque,He was never alone,Who was always alone,He was created,Who became nameful from family,He talked,Who replied to himself .

Who is this man that speaks to me when alone only when im completely separate from a living soul he emerges no form no description of any kind just a invisible voice that converses to me with little effort .This man tells me he is the very imaginative solution that has been with me since birth no he is not God nor the devil he is a replacement of these two beings that linger over this beautiful cruel world he is my (friend family love and me) The very being that sits there in the back of my mind and watches every little thing I do in life . Funny thing is he says he wants to destroy those I come to live and make friends even enemies .I laugh at him ,but he seems seriously into this sick fantasy of doing he says its been wanting to do it ever since I layed eyes on this world .........He even tells me that my nick name "Pookie" suits him well ......Why would a grown man like me almost 25 years old have such a twisted friend well to be honest I have no friends he is everything to me he comforts me at my worst and happiest stages of life ...........Mr Pookie will soon be felt ...Thats what he says

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2b2b2 says:

Tight Write....like the way you flipped it....Namaste

Tali says:

Interesting and insightful write. I've always heard that we have 3 personalities. One that we show the world our loved ones and ourselves. Great detail!

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