recklessmonet | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Slowly finding my way

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Full Circle (Quantum State of Mind)



Views: 280
Life has a way of coming back around. Full circle. What's done today effects your past, present, future. Full cirlce. Words spoken today... Comes back around yesterday. Full circle. You reap what you sew... In today's presence. But what if it was much more? They say the future effects your past, which in turn effects your present. In every step of life, is there really supposed to be a lesson? What can't be seen to the naked eye... Has an affect on your being. It's much more than energy. It's the frequencies, the particles, atoms, that form these entities. They say there's disorder in the order. Or is there? You can be in multiple places at once... But where are we now in this universe? It's unknown. .. How much is known? Dimensional warfare. But you can't have one without the other... It affects what you do... It comes back around. Full circle. Past, present, future you. What you didn't do effects you. The next you did and it's affecting you. The choices that we me... The choices that we didn't make comes back around. Full circle. Don't be active, be proactive. Live this life accordingly. I wonder if there is a way that all yous can live pleasantly? Because its all full circle.

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Tali says:

Awesome write and so true.

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