Listen my people, time is up;
Kicking back and chilling, we must interrupt.
True liberation has not yet been won;
Realize this: there’s still a lot of work to be done.
Ponder where we were and now, where we are:
It has been like 1 step forward…2 steps backwards!
Get up…stand up…we have yet to reach the set bar;
We are Mandingo warriors, not Sisyphus cowards!
Remember, we are of the Nile forever flowing upwards;
We are children of the light of that ever glowing Eastern Star!
Yes, we set a prescient with the election of our president;
They came back with theirs and challenged us with dares.
His-story is inundated with such tricky incidents;
Our-story is impregnated with comeback events.
Time is up and it’s time to get up and get the work done;
Time is up and it’s time to get up and follow the rising sun.
During the trod, we have sometimes traveled as if fools;
Praises be, the Most High has today gifted us with new tools;
Now realize that veiled approaches that lead to same old tragedies,
Must now be confronted with these new gifted strategies!
Remember, time is up and it’s time to get up…”Sho’s yu born…”
Remember, “Only the worker dies, the work goes on…”