PoeticKnight239 | Poetry Vibe
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I will grow

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Destroy A Haiku


just different

Views: 195

I heard about it,but never really studied it. Basically to me it’s all the same nothing more nothing less ,so forgive me if I can’t get with the program. 

I’m on here to represent poetry for it really means to me. Rhymes flows emotions soul-searchings it stands for my humanity, so excuse my poetry  for being difficult to understand. I feel I have the greatest poetry on this site or any other . I ain’t looking for views I’m looking for something that will get me to the top better then  white and black poets who is famous and  once famous. My poetry will change the minds of many no the masses. Get this right cause I’m just being nice with basics,but you know my poetry is high other worldly. If I was you read between my words and reprogram.

They just read ,but never get it. I write basics , yet in reality they mean a higher vision .

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