She yelled thousands of time to the world
but yet never been heard
Wrote letters from her heart though prayers
& Jesus never even seen a word
Her mind filled with dreams with her soul so drained
She been publicly killed by society & yet no killer still framed
She lives her life by her poetry still yet no phrase
to capture all that innocnece god wasn't ready to see that phase
So the devil sits in her shoulder as her inner beauty fades
faith lingering by her tears as they drip away from her face
He whispers in her ear "why is it so hard for you to believe in me?
you praying to them angels while they judst drunk off Hennessy
I been on your shoulder never left your side
He abandoned me too ima fallen angel just like you
& yet you ain't ever hear me cry"
She thought devil "why you always so mean
How you still so cold in a hell so deep
We're stuck in the these shallow waters we call hearts & your attacking me
but yet I'm just trying to breathe"