WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 175900
contest winner 5
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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New Normal



Views: 381

We all read the news and complain
But what good will that do and what will it change?
Nothing, consequences and actions
Just more fodder/distractions
Frogs in a pot safe when the water was cold
Back when Clinton/Bush/Obama controlled the nuclear codes
45 lies, defies logic, and lusts for his daughter
Frogs melt slow in this boiling hot water 
Numb and used to the nation’s state of affairs
Only half of the country really still cares
Team Make America Great Again vs. team ‘what the he!!’s happing now’ on the modern Civil War battlefield 
Online, in boardrooms, and closed door congressional deals
Throughout history it seems
The fancy few demand all of the meager many’s dreams
Fake news from thousands of places
People interact with devices no longer by faces
It’s easy to fear that which you don’t understand 
Perspective has flipped - the rock of optimism has turned into sand


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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Truth told by a masterful Poet, good to see back on the Vibe. I see you wrote a book I will show you the same love...can't wait to read it.
Contest Winner  

WarriorCarryingWater says:

Thank you Wize Dom! Appreciate the support and inspiration. Happy New Year!

poems by this commentor


mrmelody7 says:

In agreement we got the white house we got the supreme court and the supreme white supremacist and followers sit in the whites only white house Normal is kinda fd up these days
Contest Winner  

WarriorCarryingWater says:

Thanks mrmelody7!

jlmoore2 says:

I was not too upset that 45 won because I knew it meant that lies America has fed the world for centuries would no longer be hidden. Sometimes you have to go to the bottom so you can rise to the top. We are certainly on the bottom. No where to go but . . . hopefully, UP!

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