BangEpiphany | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
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Just Different



Views: 276
Let the music play... Just let it run through my mind as much as possible, My heart burns from broken promises and lies, Feeling like my walls are being torn down piece from intruders who masked themselves as my loved ones, A painfilling thought sliding through my temple of mistakes I had no choice but to take, If ever so was the need to just stand up and leave... would be impossible, Just the thought of letting those who used me and turning away would visualize me being a ***ed up failure, As already I'm somewhat in that comparison from any prideful bum living broke with no hope or aspirations, My conscious being tampered with fear and the luxury of currency to somebody else hands that didn't dealt with no sacrifice or internal blooded scars, I took on the responsibility of carrying buckets filled with other people's trials and tribulations, As mine spilled on the floor and lefted to dry out, I spent years searching for myself, Not realizing she stayed at the ocean front watching the sun rise and set everyday, Frighten to look back at the chaos with tears down her face hoping one day she can build strength to stand on her own and stand out, Yet she never returned because she's know everything is just a lie and trap, I sit here thinking of her wishing to touch her again one time just to feel free again, I can't feel at ease now a days just from the thought of another set back may slap me in my face, Knocking my conscious on the concrete with guilt of letting it touch me in the first place, I wish I could run away with and see her, Spend my life with her like everyday is endless, I let her body defuse from mine as she the thought to her mind settled that she wasn't capable or strong enough to stick around, Sad truth is she was my gateway to paradise, She kept my conscious aware of my surroundings and freedom, She loved me for who I was and forgiven me for every mistake I brought on to her, I let the music play to remind me of the memories we shared and the moments we made, I don't wish for the old times in the past but just wanting new moments shared again, Everything is just different...

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