hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Conclaves of The Chosen



Views: 245

Conclaves Of The Chosen


"Miri it is while sumer i-last
With foulës song;
Oc now neghëth windës blast
And weder strong.
Ei, ei, what this night is long,
And Ich with wel michel wrong
Sorwe and murne and fast",.

Drink deep to stand repeat

the sadness nor the mere gloom

puzzed in its concrete measured frenzy

a suggestion sets in high above the room


Chosen a gift mighty quest to pursue

shattered dreams evil schemes

a mighty fortress amidst the peril

remember me in days gone by

think of a time when you surely shined

the time when you looked to the sea

the thought of a homily to be set free

carry me through the notion of a barricade of love


nestled on the hands of God

take one step at a time you will certainly find

direct reflection in your destination

carry on wayward son having a bit of fun

relax and bask the the vast expanse of the ambiance

love is filled with cosmic visions

on the outside we are digging

look to help your brother out

Democrat, Independent or Republican

let's offer a whole new discovery

through lines of lasting faith

make no mistake


we need each other to show us the way home

through a notion of Pine combs and ways

God is enough in him we trust

God is for us in every way

taking time out to pray

through security

time well spent in thought

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