cliffonedge | Poetry Vibe
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If It Ain't Poop, What Is It



Views: 167

I see the classes educating on candy. The sugar of the wealthy look thirsty while camping. Under the influence of booze on the midnight sky. The melodic rise under wraps because it leads to their demise. A Circle made life, revolution made wife, only bowing and not humble. The kids cry ready to fight but quick to stumble. We are at the caves of our disease.The places in which we're living. The filthy stinch of everything global makes us all minimal. Basking in the rememberance I see the doctors of our past Sebi, King, and Garvey, did not ride on Harley's wheeling themselves to destiny's table. It is only in death that they remembered and labled. A holiday...or a rest in peace moment. Not potent. The onlookers disown it while the other side tries to clone it. Underserving of the thrones they get. Sold on "legit" ish as wholesale. Sometimes it seems we are just another sale leading to a hole. Now if that aint poop.... well what is it?

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