MzSoPriceless | Poetry Vibe
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Madness is inspiration.

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Forever, Eternity, & Destiny



Views: 241

 Are you my forever?
Are you my eternity?
Are you my destiny?

It is only deserving for me to know
Looking into your eyes
I picture what the future hold
Our love & our life
Happiness that overflows
A perfect combination
The oneness of our souls

Could you be my forever?
Could you be my eternity?
Could you be destiny?

Deep inside…
I feel connected to you.
Your friendship is real
Your love is the truth!
You synchronized my heart
It will forever beat for you.

Would you be my forever?
Would you be my eternity?
Would you be my destiny?

It is no longer a question in my mind.
It is only a matter of time
Our paths cross and our destiny’s intertwine
Cuz you were created for me
Our souls are meant to bind.
It is no longer a question….
My answer lies in your heart.
Yours lies in mine.

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