Jesus is my shepherd, He watches me as I go to school, He is always the golden rule I will strive to follow,
He is light that guides me through my rainy days and keeps me sheltered in a time of storm,
He is like a river flowing through my mind; He is the path that I am trying to follow,
He is the goal I am trying to reach; He is the one I rejoice in when I am feeling weak,
He is my protector when I am fighting my battles,
He is my shield that keeps me armed at all times,
He is the sun, stars, man, and the air that I breathe,
He is the one that blesses me with a family, home, food, and clothing, I thank you for those things,
He is my heart that keeps me living, He is my love and He is my first,
He is my strength, He is my comfort,
He is the one of all on when I need a friend,
Because I know, no one cares for me, are even loves me like he does, thank you,
He is the one that died on the cross for us,
Now I am here, He gave me life, so I should give Him the praise,
I shall call on His name because He has all the fame, so I give Him all the glory,
I am His number one fan and I look up to Him,
He is my everything because He is always there,
He lays me down to sleep at night, and wakes me up in the morning light,
He is my provider that blesses me with things that I know I do not deserve,
But He is there,
He's my forgiver because when I did wrong, He forgave me,
He is like a towel that wipes all my tears away from my eyes,
He is my leader and I am His follower, because I know I cannot direct my own steps,
He is my everything, He is my everything, beyond this world,
I love you, because, I know you love me,
And you are always there for me.
You are my Shepherd through a time of the storm, Amen.