hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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The Letter



Views: 197

The Letter

you can here from me in certain times like these
through the barren hollow leaves
all of life is but a mystery
we capture a vivid moment locked in time
the space where people will surely shine
operate by fate to see
not another game of make believe
I'm still in the zone holding my own ear to the phone
with ego pressed to heightened peaks
time to change the sheets

we all get lost in the sauce of brevity
try to keep it together steadfast light as a feather
zero in on the letter where memories are shared together
with a very wholesome smile we long to go the extra mile
captivated by a love I used to know bust up the beat to increase its tempo
The letter has a hand written apology on what we all seek
with folded paper lined handsomely designed
share the tender truth to discover the real reason why your alive
with folded hands hans we stand amidst

Drop a letter to me baby sorted nothing shady
seal it with a kiss so sorry to dismiss its sealed with a parting wish

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The Immortal Wize says:

Love the flow and attitude of this piece.

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