hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Remembrance Of A Loved One 4



Views: 169

Rememberance Of A Loved One 4


there I sat looking at her mere reflection

her taste permeates the glow in my soul

when i look deep into her eyes it is then I see a future

filled with hope for a better tomorrow amidst the sorrow

the surface of the wind leaves me feeling shattered within

how you have fought so very hard and fierce

my truest love is now gone from here

a challenge to be free is a question of time

my own solution is using my mind

living on the edge and its going to my head

sitting up at night all alone in bed

following the rainbow to the sky

I see a vision of her pass me by

our war were in is almost over

its hard to believe I lost my lover

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