This haiku poem will be featured in my upcoming work "The Chain Breakers" set to premier black history month 2.14.2018 on Amazon by M.D. Johnson
Harriet Tubman
We will follow you always
Through freedom’s vast doors
This haiku poem will be featured in my upcoming work "The Chain Breakers" set to premier black history month 2.14.2018 on Amazon by M.D. Johnson
Harriet Tubman
We will follow you always
Through freedom’s vast doors
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Why I am here…I am here to demonize your humanity To showcase your insanity To make you crawl back into the incubator that birthed you Because you are not yet pubescent, not even invitro I am here to cast my shadows upon you Because only in darkness can you see the light I am here to taunt you To torment you And in the end Give you sight Because the only thing you see now Before anything and everything else Is yourself And that is more blinding than the solar eclipse And keeps you from your higher self… |
"Everybody is a Genius...""Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid." ~Albert Einstein In a world full of sheep Intelligence doesn’t creep Doesn’t tiptoe Or even rear its brainless head Intelligibly Take Forest Gump for example And tell me If you can’t exist in the world And simply be With all the help Of the community Because intelligence Has to do With relativity…
In Describing What It’s Like to Be BlackThere’s no silencing The noise in your Head when The volume control is broken And there is no power button Nor plug Because you don’t do the controlling You’re just a speaker box With a horrible song on repeat That you do your best to tune out Otherwise you become immune and each time you hear it It becomes a little less enterprising Until it no longer capitalizes On your positive energy It’s just sound -noise -one perception It doesn’t burn in the ears of Those who’ve been here For the past 300 years With inferior fears Black, shiftless tears That have honed enough sanity To live through the inhumanity And degradation of the notes you Unapologetically call “music to my ears” I... |
Trash HeadsI put fear in my pocket And ball it up like trash Ready to throw it away At the first wastebasket I see
You see Fear has long been A conundrum to me
Exuded in my flesh At best To those who see Me As an enemy
The stereotypes That play In stereo Resounding unanimously To the beat of the drum The world pounds in my ears
But I pretend that I just Don’t hear it It’s all noise to me The noise of fear
Fear being calamity That spins in the minds Of those who choose Not to think on their fears
Not to question Not to reflect on Where their fears stem from Or how illogical their fears... |
Burn Victim HaikusShe was beautiful But nobody saw her soul -Only her burned flesh
She was beautiful But nobody saw her mind -Only her body
She was beautiful But nobody saw her heart -Only her anger
She was beautiful But nobody saw her dreams -Only her vile life
She was beautiful But nobody saw her hope -Only her despair
She was beautiful But nobody saw her light -Only her darkness
She was beautiful But nobody saw her grace -Only her unease
She was beautiful But nobody saw her smile -Only her sad tears
She was beautiful But nobody saw her fate -Only her perils
For D.B.Your perception of me Is a travesty A conception of which You will never understand Embedded so deeply In your lack of humanity Because you refuse to be Humane And I’m the one who becomes insane In trusting friends Who never were Or loved ones And family Who don’t want to admit They share the same blood as me Who can’t see Intrinsically I am not the sum of my sexuality That there’s more to me A duality A sum of parts That made me real to you At one time Now you treat me as if I’ve committed a crime In being me Who else can I be? Should I pretend To be something I’m not To feel something I don’t To mend the fences you erected Because y... |
On LossIn retrospect of all the major losses I have had, I am grateful and recognize they weren't meant to be They weren't meant for me Dead weight Men who never cared for me Even loss of virginity Didn't mean I was impure But rather gave me a greater view of what love Was supposed to be Jobs that weren't good enough for me The rejection lists were no great travesty When the door of opportunity Opened to reveal something even greater Than I had previously Believed I was worthy of -Something worthy of me Loss in retrospect Was the least best thing That I'd expect Could be the greatest single thing That has ever happened to me Loss you see Isn't negativity It only sharpens your course For what is supposed to be yours Li... |
Support VS AcceptanceIt’s not for me to accept But I support you In your decision to accept it or not Though I prefer you didn’t Accept a label Or wear your reality like it’s some fine robe Or carry the weight like an unmovable anchor on your soul And let it limit you Or use it like an excuse For what you say and what you do Because the truth is It doesn’t define you You are more than the hand life dealt you Don’t be out of touch Don’t be out of reach Your life means so much Though you can’t quite see it But you are young Have yet to discover your purpose And find your life’s meaning You don’t need a crutch And you don’t have to keep bleeding Be who you are It is who you were meant to be If the world can&r... |
We Control Our DestinyThis poem will be featured in my upcoming work "The Chain Breakers" set to premier black history month 2.14.2018 on Amazon by M.D. Johnson
From the shores Of L’Afrique To enslavement Upon a slaver’s ship To America Home of the brave Land of the free Passed war & Passed Civil Rights Right back into the clutches of captivity To prison -enslavement -in amazement -I’m complacent It’s no mystery -the hypocrisy 14 million whites and 2.6 million blacks Report illicit drug use Yet, despite the fact that 5 times as many whites are using as blacks, Blacks are sent to prison at 10 times the rate of whites. I’m not making light Of the fact Or pointing the finger At the other g... |
MosesThis haiku poem will be featured in my upcoming work "The Chain Breakers" set to premier black history month 2.14.2018 on Amazon by M.D. Johnson
Harriet Tubman We will follow you always Through freedom’s vast doors |