POETICMC | Poetry Vibe
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Burn Victim Haikus


Views: 332

She was beautiful

But nobody saw her soul

-Only her burned flesh


She was beautiful

But nobody saw her mind

-Only her body


She was beautiful

But nobody saw her heart

-Only her anger


She was beautiful

But nobody saw her dreams

-Only her vile life


She was beautiful

But nobody saw her hope

-Only her despair


She was beautiful

But nobody saw her light

-Only her darkness


She was beautiful

But nobody saw her grace

-Only her unease


She was beautiful

But nobody saw her smile

-Only her sad tears


She was beautiful

But nobody saw her fate

-Only her perils


And thus her beauty

Faded under her newly

Adopted eye view


Here's to the fools who

Couldn't see your beauty, but

-I'm looking at you...


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Contest Winner  

TamaraD says:

SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL I can relate to this very much it reminds me of my mother and myself. great job
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

The Haiku essence of beauty and the blindness of veiled beholders. Enjoyed this beautiful read. Peace and Love, mlowe5

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SquareRootz says:

I love the set up. 🔥🔥🔥

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