hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Close Like Starsky & Hutch



Views: 196

let me sit down I came to transform the whole new hip hop crew in what to do
it’s all a faded memory while I eat my spaghettl with Ragu what’s true with you
hit the music to the flame I’m a microphone fiend but I choose to keep it clean
eating my Lean Cuisine got props for the under ground sound got the hook up

your wearing your Bermuda shorts that’s your choice but its cold as hell outside
my mind is closing in to my next of kin while he sips on his flask of Mickey Finn
Close like Starsky & Hutch I’m not in a bit of rush but I plan to push the topic
bask head long in the tropics you need to stop this anticipation going on vacation

Just like Pac & Big we trace their fate wearing its cosmic wig feeling quite fine
there’s a radical tornado brewing do you all know what your doing busy making plans
let the reader understand you got to hit home with a deffinate plan working on a tan
some are taking the Zip line all the way through the Main line need to come together

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