poetunleashed | Poetry Vibe
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we were royalty



Views: 257

We were kings and queens 

Roamed the land

Chased our dreams 

With eyes that beamed 

with excitement they gleamed

For a future unknown

Untold riches that lay at arms reach 

Then they came 

From a land unknown 

Tricked our selfless hearts 

Stole from us 

Enslaved generations 

They paused the progression

That the stars had written 

Our history is written 

through their eyes 

Our history riddled with lies 

Lies they spew 

To comfort their transgression 

Transgression that continue 

Their greed led them 

To plunder and conquer 

Their fear driving them 

To proclaim their superiority 

Their insecurities lead them 

To belittle those 

born from kings and queens

Those rightful owners of this soil 

The original beings 

We were  kings and queens 

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed, poetunleased! We must continue to tell ourstory--dispelling the lies of history. Our youth must know who and whose they are. Write on. Peace and Love, mlowe5

poetunleashed says:

mlowe5 the whitewashing of black history must really end

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