Wordman21 | Poetry Vibe
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Regained my voice, my voice is no longer silent..

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Beyond the Ugly Truth


just different

Views: 260

 The mirror of the mind, eyes speaking secrets to complicate your mind, bury your thoughts, puts your visions to reality. Footsteps make a path a single thought will make a pathway in the mind. a physical path, a mental path, over your thoughts to dominate and lose your mind in the process. 

Inner quality. It is a state of mind. If your mind is at peace, you need nothing else, but lack peace of mind, exhausts the mind. Like walking through a maze. an empty mind like snow - the lighter it falls, the longer it dwells upon, the mind. 

When one's mind diminishes fear; does away with fear. The tragedy, visible punishment of men , the declaration by prayer. Faltering steps, shadowy minds, necessary ugly."

The tone for the message, the absence of fear, the judgment is fear. We undertake the fear to accept ourselves, the “Death of our fear; is taking the risk to —give souls, wings to the mind, flight of the imagination.

Permanence, persistence in obstacles, and impossibilities: It distinguishes the mans soul “not to remain lost, wandering souls.

A deluge of 'haterisms', racist propaganda evil's pain was born  in time of tyranny, caught  by the souls of the wicked. psychologically, abused, they say, it is time to leave your relationship with God.” The gates of Hell are to behold.  Exhaling the hate, lay down upon the pillows of fear.

Awful chances lived in ugly places where there were only ugly things, they couldn't improve their surroundings. cursed ugliness! Changes are impossible without a measure, the ugly included.

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