Kewayne Wadley | Poetry Vibe
Kewayne Wadley
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 25000
contest winner 3
contest winner
Passion And Ambition Seek The Same

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Enjoying The Ride



Views: 131
Your voice is the perfect song to listen to on a road trip. To view all the things that remind me of you. Miles away from the stress of work. Your voice, the open road. Someone I can love, no traffic jam in sight. The goosebumps from the air on full blast. To feel love when no love is felt. A broken down car with someone to help when something is wrong. The air tastes different, miles away from the city. A euphoric high. Your voice a beautiful path. My phone thrown somewhere in the backseat traveling a scenic road I've never been. No track of time. The thing about disease is that you never know until its too late. It spreads. Becoming infectious. You've become my relief, my cure. Your voice like the breeze flowing through my hand. Your voice the only other sound that could be heard outside of the car and the road. I've kissed the air a thousand times over. Driving pass my destination. Listening to the sound of your voice. I don't want to move from behind the steering wheel. What's a couple hundred more miles. You guiding me pass every exit sign. Enjoying the ride

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