poetunleashed | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 193

We built a fortress

With trust it lay erect

The love we shared

The foundation we chose

In time the house we built

Lay strong


It withstood all forces

It stood strong

Against gale force winds

Which had lay claim

To many it came across

The rubble that lay bare

The evidence

These winds shown to the world

Of the power it proclaimed

The rubble which shown

The souls which its power claimed

But we stood proud like a pea

We boasted to the world

That our beauty was unrivaled

That what we had built

Stood strong against all elements

In time envy would build

Build in those whose eyes

Found us in their sights

In time the winds lay weary

Puffing from exhaustion

Crying out loud

That with time our foundation would crack

That the walls in trust we had built

Shall wither

That the power of forces unknown

Will seep in and lay claim to us

Another victim they shall conquer

Showing their power

To the world once more

Our hearts rejoiced at this

Knowing that we would

Withstand the test of time

Little did I know

In your road a folk shall appear

Which shall our foundation crack

That you would choose to align yourself

With forces that would our house break

Now we lay with cracks showing

The forces which sought to break us rejoicing

How did you such a blunder make  

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