minayaJ | Poetry Vibe
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long distance

Views: 269
You speaking lyrically About the heart and brain making synergy My words create poems making me feel at liberty Tell me do you feel me In these words I scramble on bended knee Dont make me have to beg, excuse or plea Just look at the nonsense in my misery Not trying to create another Lord of the Rings Triology Trying to make you kick back and enjoy my energy Drown you in yours or my mystery Lets stop and tell you a story of this injury How broads *** with your heart and mind bitterly Rip you up worst than a divorcee This breakup feels worst than a 3rd grade spelling bee The nut doesnt fall too far from the tree But your love to me wasnt guarantee You made feel like I was swimming in the holy sea While you flew around like a bumble bee Flaunting your body through the cracks short and stubby Always knew on the side he was your hubby You lived life everyday thinking I was the dummy

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