l1_davis@yahoo.com | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 146

Once upon a time came an unexpected man with wings
As beautiful as a clear summers dusk he came with wings
My eyes filled with his presence as if he was a new thing
With the connection of our eyes my world faded
inside he awakened a feeling so new I felt as if I was newly created
Before we spoke  the feeling of love and infactuation surrounded my heart
 this was a portrait that my soul could not bear to part
So I said yes to her man, and offered my body as an token
I gave my heart to her man, and offered my love and affection unspoken
I bore a child to her man, and endured pain, suffering and rejection in return
A fate that I knew I would be the only one spurned
And with this development a new image appeared, One much darker still followed by wings 
But the contempt in his eyes the disdain in his voice, garnered immense guilt within my soul.
So I became her mans prisoner, A slave to his anger  a misdirected concubine not even fit to hold
and because of his wings I still fixated on that dark image.
And with every call and every whim I offerred my self up to suffice His image.
His wings  shone so bright as if he were a saint
Then as time passed I found it was only to himself. 
And I was but an object that he was fixated on using till nothing left.
So scorned and vengful I began to bite back
Rejected and Wanted I began to play back
Hurt and longing I continued to come back.
Now in search of those wings, what were those things
Just lies and dreams
ment for the seems

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