Kewayne Wadley | Poetry Vibe
Kewayne Wadley
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 25000
contest winner 3
contest winner
Passion And Ambition Seek The Same

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Well Water



Views: 176
She offered me a glass of water from the tap. Delighted by the fact I happily accepted. This wasn't like anything I've ever tasted. I've never had Evian but I'd bottle it the same. This particular taste wasn't accompanied by anything sour. A strange taste that makes your face scrunch. Before I knew it I drunk the glass whole. Fiji water is an acquired taste. But all in all I still enjoyed it. I asked for another glass, feeling each ripple swish around my mouth. All water doesn't taste the same and this by far. The best water I ever tasted. Ice included. Fogging the outside of the glass. Fingerprints forever stained. If I was a fish I'd be in heaven. The correctness of solely something to become apart of. The importance that signifies how great this is. The human tongue is an amazing thing. Enjoying the spring water that flows directly from the well of your heart

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