KingQadarDwon' | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Where do we go from here?!



Views: 517


The people are dying, the people are crying, the people are rioting, the government is full of men and women that are professional Liars.

  Republicans, Democrats, waffles or the pancake party are likened to the pouring of poisonous syrup on top of sh!t flavored molasses.

America was the greatest story that was ever told, the land of milk and honey, she likes her money kale green and her citizens white as snow.

She boldly claimed that she's the most beautiful woman in the world, a Lie of course.

She looks good on TV and her voice is so seductive on the airwaves of radio, but aside from that facade and Hollywood make-up, she wears some beautiful dirty panties.

Her stench even causes animals to go extinct. She loves the taste, smell, and sight of blood instead of water. She hates immigrants and migrants, but tells her European brothers and sisters to come on over and live out this American Dream.

His-Story is always peaches and cream, a real thrill, a real busy street.

My-Story as it seems is likened to that of an antagonist, but I don't recall viewing it as such.

I call it painting a vivid picture so that those with eyes to see can see a clearer picture.

Wisdom makes a fool wise, a foolish man makes the world cry, just dropping a few jewels like a poet named Wize-Dom.

Though it seems that I have given up on America's dream, only because those whom I love keep experiencing pain, heartbreaks, and nightmares.

At the core of her essence is Rape, invasion, torture, pedophelia, kidnapping, slavery, manipulation, slander, culture vultures, murder, Dis-Ease, plagues, deceit, lust, envy, hate, and the destruction of civility and morality.

I'm sorry but you are crushing on an immoral prostitute, that has slept with an astronomically whopping and number crunching 19 trillion men, women, and children, including every last single dead, living, and immoral president that has ever lied to the masses of people since her founding in 1776.

Whoring is life in the West, not Blessed and America is Lit in the eyes of those that seek and want her attention.

Her debt and extravagance is the cause of hers and yours mental, physical, and spiritual Death.

I was the one that got away, I've used her and her resources to better myself and to free and unlock my mind from her lies and bondage to now speak, teach, and preach the truth though it is unpopular.

I'm labeled as the villain while she is the prized Victor, victory will be mine and the world will bear witness to what I am mentioning.

The world will remember me and remember my name, I'm the one who snatched away America's cane and called her every kind foul name, now she can see how it feels to be a victim of shame. 

Through my gifts and through a divine aim my poetry is meant to unlock minds and break all mental chains, pass out wisdom juice and hope to receive the same. 


My kind have toiled and suffered for centuries, these days it's a mental, spiritual, and physical penitentiary

Where do we go from here?!

Knowing that she is the whore of all whores.

Where do we go for here?!

Knowing that you can't ever be loyal to a hood rat.

America is the definition of a bad b!tch, she's independent and she has her own, the bad thing about it is that will be a long fall alone.

Divorce America and her ways, isn't it ironic that the majority of her sidepieces' fate end up the same, in Divorce.

Nothing permanent will ever come from falsehood, it is the truth that will heal your soul.

America's broken little babies, she has taught you how to lust, let me teach you how to love.

Love nature and creation as I have loved you, nurture and care for one another as I have showed you, help and be a ladder for those who wish to see the light even while in darkness.

She's living a lie and you're living a lie, 2 lies equal a life time of disappointments and cries.

America has a day with the creator and she's guilty as charged.

Hell awaits your flesh and paradise awaits your mind, the shortest distance between those two points is a thought of logic. 

Where do we go from here? Will we continue to run races with the lie and not Crown the truth? Humble up your real self is calling you. 

You will say oh my God, she has led us all astray please punish her my lord for guiding us not aright.

She will say that I only called them and they came, I didn't force them to do anything, I am free of blame from what their hands have wroth before this meeting, so chastise them with a deserving and fair punishment of what their own souls and own hands bear witness to.

They were in clear error, they have had messengers and messages including him who wrote this and they rejected good guidance and followed after their own low desires so clear me at least from the charge of them.

So where do we go from here when the truth has unanimously defeated the lie and you saw it with your own eyes? Still don't believe? 


~King Qadar Dwon'~

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Contest Winner  

Coalhouse says:

nice piece

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mrmelody7 says:

The true sticky story of merica the beautiful she got game wonderful insights from a prophetic poet

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Contest Winner  

Kingqadardwon' says:

@Coalhouse thank you my gifted brother.. Appreciate you and your feedback..
Contest Winner  

Kingqadardwon' says:

@MrMelody7 Big ups to you brother... Sometimes it's both a gift and a curse to see things so clearly, especially when we were conditioned only to think on way.. I enjoyed this exposure of Merica....

T.6hunnittt says:

This is very inspiring to me👍🏾👍🏾

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