hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Overcoming Anxiety Attacks



Views: 198

out of the window I will look a given chance at which to breath throm crimson tide
to embark upon the day as if a Pond illustration inhabits the frailities of the given art
the promise for a better tomorrow amidst the sadness & sorrow through the ordinary
challenge the spectator loosely unto the fained fallen leaves the conclaves of nature's taste
imprisoned in the mind subtle but blind we search for each vocation calmly next to me

through the fallen leaves we have come to agree upon the notion of brevity to each conquest
learn from the ancients to bask in the vast extravagance of the make believe humbly agreed
through each door there is a portal that will lead you to the prize of deeper humility to achieve...
there is balance through power the soul needs to be on guard from the enemy that fights

choose they croon the ancient one's the time has come again choose the day we fondly pray
the frey ivy leaves torn in vast appeal left on the floor with noise decor so much more
in every moment we can think past the noise of pollution rest in the solace of balanced choice,
go deeper then ever before to help enlighten the moment left destined for love's conclaves
many sweep such moments under the rug like a cow chews its cud but soon will discover
the notion of a whisper as you sit through each panic episode alone

Anxiety doesn't need to be a part of you there are skills to resist such episodes
such as a minute to pause it will lift you through each varied extreme
many people suffer in silence amidst the violence but that's their choice you see

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