QueenPB | Poetry Vibe
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  brigadier general
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Fight of Life



Views: 338

Fight of Life

Day by day,

Night by night,

How do I keep continue with this fight?

The strength to go on,

When weakness wants to take over,

Some may say it comes from within,

Others say it’s the strength of men,

I say it’s from my heavenly father above,

Carrying me when I feel I can no longer carry myself,

Allowing me the rest I need to go another day,

Another night,

To deal with the struggles of life.

Wanting to take flight,

Be free of it all,

If done will be giving up,

The ultimate suicide.

Walking away seems so easy,

Can only be done by the weak,

Or those that has come to their breaking point,

I hold on by father’s mercy,

My soulmate’s encouragement,

And of mere thread of self-determination,

Refusing Satan’s call,

The temptation of self-destruction.

I shall rise,

I shall conquer,

The challenges of life.

I shall achieve my goals,

No matter the time it takes,

My dreams shall be fulfilled,

The stars are the limited,

And I shall soar the open skies.

Come out on top,

Only the strong survive,

My Life,

My Fight,

I will Win.

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The Immortal Wize says:

Awesome, Welcome to The Vibe!

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QueenPB says:


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love_supreme says:

I like this poem.

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