QueenPB | Poetry Vibe
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Struggles of a Single-Mother



Views: 311

Struggles of a Single Mother

Lying awake late at night,

Eyes full of tears,

Heart full of sorrow,

Dreading tomorrow.

Having to say,

“No!” for the basic things,

Robbing Peter to pay Paul,

Another day at another dead-end job.

Hurts like hell to know,

You’re doing all you can to provide for your children,

Yet, it’s not enough,

Call the fathers,

They can’t help,

They ain’t got,

They’re not willing to make the sacrifices you make,

Go without like you do,

For the sake of your children,

Spend some time,

Don’t have to,

Give a dime,

Just bring what they need,

Is all I ask,


Can’t do that,


The few occasions you see them,

All you do is down-grade me,

Every conversation we have,

Is designed to be little me.

Afraid you are doing something to help me,



Jokes on you,

Not me you’re hurting,

But my children are suffering,

Cause you too busy trying to make it harder for me,

Playing tit for tat,

Saying this and that,

But it kills me to hear you ask,

“Why his pants to small?”

“Why her hair not combed?”

“Why his shoes have holes?”

Instead of questioning me,

Maybe you should ask yourself,

Cause I’m doing all I can,

To keep food on the table,

Clothes on their backs,

A roof over their heads,

Lights, gas and water on.


Forgive me,

If it’s not enough,

If I can’t replace the things they outgrow,

The things they lose,

The things they destroy,

Quick enough.

Forgive me,

For making their needs a priority over my own,

Looking a mess,

Feeling a mess,

Tolerating their disrespect,


You’re still good as gold,

Can do no wrong in their eyes,

Cause I’m the one they blame,

For your faults,

For your lies,

For your absence.

But you have no care,

No worry,

Other than yourself,

While I,

Bear it all,

Single handedly.


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Brownchildt says:

This is beautiful and true. Thank you for sharing your

QueenPB says:

Briwnchidt I'm glad you like.

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